Roxbury Dems has signed up with Jeremiah’s Catering in Lake Hiawatha for their Dine to Donate Fundraising. Our fundraiser runs for Sunday, March 26 through Thursday, March 30.
Using the link below you can order from Sunday March, 26 through Wednesday 3/29 at 5pm. Roxbury Dems will get a percentage of all meals ordered during this time frame.
The Heat & Eat meals will be available for pick up on Thursday March 30 for pickup at Jeremiah’s Catering from 3:00 – 5 PM.
We are also offering a bulk pick-up for the event at Horseshoe Lake, outside the Senior Center between 5:15PM and 7 PM on Thursday, March 30.
If you would like to be part of the Bulk Pick-up, please text your Order Name along with the words Bulk Pickup to: 973-214-3398.