The NJ Primary is Tuesday, June 7, 2022.
Voting in person can begin before Primary Day. There are eight (8) polling locations throughout Morris County beginning Friday, June 3 through Sunday, June 5. A Morris County registered voter can use any of the polling locations Friday through Sunday.
The locations are listed here
The hours are:
Friday, June 3 10AM to 8PM
Saturday, June 4 10AM to 8PM
Sunday, June 5 10AM to 6PM
Voting By Mail is another way to vote. Vote By Mail (VBM) applications were due by May 31st. Ballots should be properly filled out and returned by 8PM on June 7 (postmarked or in a ballot drop box). Anyone who applied for a VBM ballot but has not received it by Sunday, June 5 should call the Morris County Clerk at (973) 285-6120.
Voting on Primary Day, in person, is the same as Election Day – registered voters should use their designated polling location.
NJ has a “closed” primary – only voters registered as either Democrat or Republican can vote.