Local government is better when locals attend meetings. Do you remember the Landing warehouse project that was approved in October of 2024? What about the planned development on the Porfido tract (and exactly where is the Porfido tract?)? Would you like to see what is and is not included in the 2025 Town Budget? So do we. To stay up to date on current projects and see what the future holds, we need to attend Town Council, Town Budget, and Planning Board meetings.
Knowing that we all can’t make every meeting, we made a resolution to have at least one person at each meeting. To help organize around this resolution, a sign up form has been created and can be found here. Attendees are asked to, at the very least, grab an agenda and take some notes to share with others. Second level would be to speak up during public comment portions with either pertinent questions or concerns. It would be wonderful, but is not expected, to record the meeting for the Roxbury Dems YouTube channel (did you know we have one?).
We firmly believe local government works better when locals attend meetings. Sign up here to attend a local meeting.
Links to TapIntoRoxbury articles: Landing Warehouse; Porfido Tract