We invite you to join our “Book Club,” which is more like a study group, with “Project 2025” being our first subject. We are not experts and will not be relying on our own understanding of what might happen, rather we will be sourcing topical discussions about the impact of Project 2025 from subject matter experts. These resources will be distributed before the session to be read in advance. The book club will discuss the materials and try to identify the impact on Roxbury, Morris County and NJ as well as talk about how we might prepare to meet any challenges.
While this Book Club is hosted by the Roxbury Township Democratic Committee, it is open to all.
The Book Club will begin at 6 pm and wrap up no later than 8 pm. Our intention is to also offer a Zoom option with the link being provided via email prior to the meeting.
Registration is required and can be found here.
Contact us at RoxburyDems@gmail.com if you have any questions.